Welcome to Myrph's Dog Training & Dog Park

Group Dog Training Classes


Myrph's classes are different...  

  • Why come to dog class?The goal of dog class with Myrph is to learn how to live with a dog successfully and joyfully. This includes traditional obedience training, but also a great deal more than training exercises.  A dog will not reliably follow through with obedience exercises unless she wishes to please you and that takes relationship building.

  • Class curriculum - Myrph’s classes are focused on teaching people all about natural canine behavior. You will learn how to read your dog’s body language, how to communicate and interact more effectively with your dog, and how to build a balanced leader/follower relationship with your dog.

  • More about class curriculum - Classes include traditional obedience training. You will receive instruction, hands-on help, and opportunity for practice in a social setting with other dogs.  It is important to teach your dog and practice with him, the behaviors and manners that you want him to utilize, rather than focusing only on stopping unwanted behaviors. Teaching and training techniques are focused on positive,respectful methods.

  • Dog Class Atmosphere - The class atmosphere is always relaxed, open and friendly. Myrph welcomes questions during class. Visiting with other students before and after the class is encouraged. Many folks befriend other dog owners in class and begin to make dog walking dates and “play dates” for their dogs.

  • Dog Class SizeMyrph’s classes are always small. Between six and nine dogs per group. One of the benefits of attending a class is the social experience for your dog. In a small class, that social experience is a positive one for your dog. Large dog training classes can quickly become loud and chaotic and are often a negative social experience for your dog.

  • Who can come to dog class? - Family members, partners and friends who are involved in the care of your dog are welcome to come to class with you. Success is more likely if everyone involved communicates and interacts with the dog in a consistent manner.

  • Dog class is FUN!In addition to the education and assistance you will receive with your dog, classes with Myrph often become a fun and enjoyable social time for people as well as for their dogs.

“I am committed to treating all people and all dogs with the utmost respect. I try to make my interactions with the people students in my classes an example of how they should be interacting with their dogs”. ~ Myprh



Please inquire via email or phone regarding private appointments or class schedule

© 2018 Myrph's Dog Training • myrph@myrphsdogtraining.com • 607-727-1036